Village of Odell

Official Minutes of the January 09, 2023 Regular Board Meeting

Village of Odell, Illinois

Council Room, Odell, Illinois, Monday January 09, 2023 a Regular Board Meeting was held this date at 7:00pm, at Village Hall, Council Room, 213 S. Front Street, with Mayor Brian Mills presiding and with proper notice having been posted.


Roll Call

Roll call showed the following Trustee members were physically present: Brian Verdun, Trisha Biernat, Randy Pagel, Tom Russell and Josh Osborne

Staff Present:

Village Attorney Present: Nick Ehrgott

Guests Present: David Thorne, Deputy Burton, Deputy Blain, Jacob Negray, Cody Grieff and Jim Farris


Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Mills led the Pledge of Allegiance


Minutes of the December 12, 2022 Regular Board Meeting

Trustee Brian Verdun moved to approve the minutes of the December 12, 2022 Regular Board Meeting; second by Trustee Trisha Biernat;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Trisha Biernat, Randy Pagel, Tom Russell and Josh Osborne– 5;

Nays:   None


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Jim Rebholz was not in attendance.  Board packets contained a Treasurer’s Report of unreconciled account balances for the month ending December 31, 2022 as follows:




Odell Checking             $     24,042.15
Illinois Funds Gen Fund MM             $   523,459.84
Illinois Funds MFT Fund MM             $    90,460.99
Odell MFT Checking              $      4,109.59
Odell Tourism Checking              $     5,825.27
Odell Water Reserve MM              $ 134,287.64
Odell General CD’s              $ 170.084.26
Odell Infrastructure Reserve MM              $    32,301.79



No motion to approve was made.  Reconciled balances for December 31, 2022 will be presented at the March 13, 2023 Regular Board Meeting.


Monthly Bills and Bills paid between Meetings

Board Listing Report #188 ran on January 09, 2023 at 12:37pm representing all bills for the Village due in January were presented to the board for payment approval.  No record of the between meeting bills paid was available for approval.


Trustee Brian Verdun moved to approve Board Listing Report #188 ran on January 09, 2023 at 12:37pm representing all bills for the Village due in January; second by Trustee Josh Osborne;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Trisha Biernat, Randy Pagel, Tom Russell and Josh Osborne– 5;

Nays:   None


Police Report

Deputy Jordan Blain and Deputy Burton from Livingston County Sheriff’s Office reviewed the December Police Activity Report for Odell.


Committee Reports

Water & Sewer – The committee has reviewed rates and expenses, see New Business

Police & Streets, Alleys –

Finance –




Bid and Contract Approval of Village owned Properties:

Bids received were opened and recorded by Attorney Nick Ehrgott as follows:

Parcel #1, 310 S Morgan St – minimum bid is set at $10,000.00

Bids Received – Jim Farris $2100.00; Jacob Negray $8000.00


Trustee Brian Verdun moved to reject the bid from Jim Farris for $2100.00 and the bid from Jacob Negray for $8000.00 for Parcel #1, 310 S Morgan St; second by Trustee Tom Russell;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Trisha Biernat, Randy Pagel, Tom Russell and Josh Osborne– 5;

Nays:   None


Parcel #2, 113 S. Front St – minimum bid is set at $1600.00

Bids Received – Tim Grieff $1600.00


Trustee Randy Pagel moved to accept the bid from Tin Grieff for Parcel #2, 113 S Front St for $1600.00; second by Trustee Brian Verdun;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Trisha Biernat, Randy Pagel, Tom Russell and Josh Osborne– 5;

Nays:   None


Parcel #3, 117 S Front St – minimum bid is set at $5000.00

Bids Received – Tim Grieff $ 5000.00


Trustee Brian Verdun moved to accept the bid from Tim Grieff for Parcel #3, 117 S Front St for $5000.00; Trustee Tom Russell


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Trisha Biernat, Randy Pagel, Tom Russell and Josh Osborne– 5;

Nays:   None


No bids were received for Parcel #4, 107 S Front St


Trustee Randy Pagel moved to approve the Resolution to sell Parcel #2 for $1600.00 and Parcel #3 for $5000.00; second by Trustee Brian Verdun;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Trisha Biernat, Randy Pagel, Tom Russell and Josh Osborne– 5;

Nays:   None


Miscellaneous Old Business (discussion only)

Mayor Mills reported that the new Generator is up and running.  Also, the Static Mixer will be   installed toward the end of February – for which a boil order will be issued at that time.




Annual Water and Sewer Rate Review

Trustee Tom Russell reported on the Water and Sewer Committee’s annual review of water and sewer rates.  Due to current repairs (mixer installation $57,000), maintenance and upkeep, and lack of raising rates over a period of time in earlier years, the committee advises to raise water and sewer rates by 20% as follows:



Base water rate: from $24.00 to $28.80

Per each 1,000 gallons of water use after base: from $8.65 to $10.38



Base sewer rate: from $14.95 to $17.95

Per each 1000 gallons of water use after base: from $5.75 to $6.90


Farmers Meter

Lowering the number of gallons per dollars spent


Resolutions will be presented at the Regular February Meeting.


Miscellaneous New Business (discussion only)

There was no Miscellaneous New Business to discuss.


Trustee Trisha Biernat moved to adjourn at 7:31pm; second by Trustee Randy Pagel;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Brian Verdun, Trisha Biernat, Randy Pagel, Tom Russell and Josh Osborne– 5;

Nays:   None


Dated:  January 09, 2023