
Village Of Odell


Official Minutes of the October 14, 2013 Regular Board Meeting

Village of Odell, Illinois


Council Room, Odell, Illinois, Monday, October 14, 2013, a Regular Board Meeting was held this date at 7:00pm., at Village Hall, Council Room, 213 S. Front Street, with Mayor Joyner presiding and with proper notice having been posted.


Roll Call

Roll call showed the following Trustee Members were physically present:  Mayor Terry Joyner,  Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Matt Weaver @ 7:03pm, Phaela Hodges, and Herman Fearman

Staff Present: Iris Thorne

Village Attorney Present: Ed Legner

Guests Present: Scott Caldwell, Debbie Caldwell

Mayor Joyner called the meeting to order at 7:00pm., at which time a majority of a quorum was present


Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Joyner led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Minutes of the September 09, 2013 Regular Board Meeting

Trustee Herman Fearman moved to approve the minutes of the September 09, 2013 Regular Board Meeting as printed; second by Trustee Phaela Hodges;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Herman Fearman – 4;

Nays:   None


Minutes of the September 30, 2013 Special Board Meeting

Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to approve the minutes of the September 30, 2013 Special Board Meeting as printed; second by Trustee Phaela Hodges;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, Herman Fearman – 5;

Nays:   None


Treasurer’s Report

Iris Thorne reported that the Treasurer, Jim Rebholz, has supplied copies of an YTD Fund Summary and a MTD Treasurer’s Report.  Bank balances for the month ending September 30, 2013 are as follows:


Odell Checking              $    52,533.86
Odell Savings

            $     77,081.74

Illinois Funds Gen Fund Checking

            $   226,229.83

Illinois Funds MFT Checking

            $   96,632.87

General Fund CD’s

             $  223,415.64

Odell Tourism              $    32,534.40



Iris Thorne noted that Tourism receipts for September 2013 were $ 11,483.00 of which

$ 4,690.00 attributed to credit card sales.


Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to approve the Treasurers report; second by Trustee Gary Wykes;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, Herman Fearman – 5;

Nays:   None



Board Listing Report #745 ran at 2:04pm on 10/11/13 representing all due bills for the Village for September 2013, and Board Listing Report #746 ran at 7:08am on 10/14/13 representing all due bills for Tourism for September 2013 were presented for payment approval. In addition, an invoice from Route 66 Accessories for $ 207.70 was presented.


Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to approve and pay all bills on the Board Listing Report dated
October 11, 2013 ran at 2:04pm, list #745, and Board Listing Report dated October 14, 2013 ran at 7:08am, list #746, plus the additional Tourism invoice for $ 207.70; second by Trustee Gary Wykes;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, Herman Fearman – 5;

Nays:   None


Iris Thorne noted that two (2) requests for an invoice for the $ 10,000 owed to Livingston County Sheriff’s Police have been made, but the Village has not received that invoice as of today’s date.


Police Report

Mayor Joyner reported that according to the September 2013 Police Activity Report there were 13 calls; no warnings or citations were issued.  No representative was present from the Livingston County Sheriff’s Department.  The Village did receive one daily activity report from an officer for 4 hours of patrol on October 09, 2013.





Trustee Herman Fearman moved to retain John Tyner as an expert witness for testing of the clearwell; second by Gary Wykes;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, Herman Fearman – 5;

Nays:   None


Trustee Gary Wykes moved to pay a retainer of $ 5,000 to Thomson Reuters Expert Witness Services; second by Matt Weaver;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, Herman Fearman – 5;

Nays:   None

Utility Rates

Herman Fearman, chairman of the Water & Sewer Committee, reported that a study of water & sewer usage will be conducted to determine what our present rate should be.  Utility rates were tabled until the November Board Meeting.


Elk Street

Mayor Joyner reported that the Elk Street water issue has not been resolved.  The Elk Street issue was tabled until figures can be obtained on the cost of running a tile in a different direction.



Scott Caldwell gave a presentation for the construction of a website for the Village of Odell.


Trustee Herman Fearman moved that the Tourism Fund contribute $ 2,000 toward the construction and maintenance of a website for the Village; second by Gary Wykes;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, Herman Fearman – 5;

Nays:   None


Miscellaneous Old Business   (for discussion only)

Vehicles with expired license plates were discussed and tabled until a later date.




Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement

Iris Thorne reported that the State of Illinois, Local Debt Recovery Program has upgraded their software and has presented an Amendment to our original Intergovernmental Agreement.


Matt Weaver moved to approve Amendment #1 to the Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois, Comptroller’s Office, Local Debt Recovery Program; second by Herman Fearman;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, Herman Fearman – 5;

Nays:   None


Tree List

Mayor Joyner reported that the Village has received four (4) bids for the list of trees to be cut and trimmed in the Village as follows:


Dixon Home Improvements                                       3,900.00

Robisky’s Tree Service                                              3,595.00

Bradbury Tree Service                                               3,400.00

Trost Tree Experts                                                      2,325.00


Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to accept the lowest bidder, Trost Tree Experts, to cut and trim trees in the Village; second by Gary Wykes;




Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, Herman Fearman – 5;

Nays:   None


Tax Levy Ordinance

Attorney Ed Legner presented the Tax Levy Ordinance for $ 70,284.91 with all of the increase going to IMRF.


Trustee Jamie Johnson moved to approve the Tax Levy Ordinance for $ 70,284.91; second by Phaela Hodges;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, Herman Fearman – 5;

Nays:   None



Mayor Joyner thanked the board members for attending the Ambulance meeting held at the firehouse last month.  The Ambulance issued was tabled until further input from Duffy’s.  The board was in agreement that the Village needs to support the effort to keep ambulance service in Odell.


Miscellaneous New Business   (for discussion only)

No new miscellaneous business was brought before the board


Trustee Gary Wykes moved to adjourn at 9:39pm; second by Trustee Jamie Johnson;


Approved by roll call vote:

Yeas:  Gary Wykes, Jamie Johnson, Phaela Hodges, Matt Weaver, Herman Fearman – 5;

Nays:   None